terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Interview: Valentina Hannud Cavalcante ( me :) ) (versao em ingles)

Why do you like fashion? 
I adore  Fashion  because it is another way of expressing your feeling without using words. The divine thing about fashion is that, there are no rules , nothing that can hold you back from your designs, fashion is exciting because it permits you explore colors, shapes and things beyonds your imagination.

How old are you?
I am 14 years old

When did you decided to create your blog?
I was planning to do it last year, but i just did  it, May this year.

Who do you inspire, in your looks and outfits? 
Emma Watson, i love her clothes and her style.

Which blogs or sites, you most visit?

Definition of your style? 

Classy and modern

Which peace of clothes you most use?

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