Com a ajuda de um pente, passe o descolorante nas pontas da mechas previamente separadas e envolva-as com o papel alumínio.
2 - Dobre o papel deixando agir até que o cabelo fique loiro palha, usando calor se necessário (pode usar o secador para acelerar o processo).
3 - Após a descoloração, lave e hidrate passando condicionador, creme ou óleo de sua preferência.
4 - Seque os fios com secador.
With the help of a comb, apply the decolorant in the end of the stands previously separated and rap them with aluminum foil.
2- Bend the paper until the hair stay blonde, using the necessary colors ( you can use the hair drier the accelerate the process).
3- After the discoloration, wash it or hydrate it passing conditioner, cream or a oil what you prefer.
4- Dry your hair with a hair drier.
With the help of a comb, apply the decolorant in the end of the stands previously separated and rap them with aluminum foil.
2- Bend the paper until the hair stay blonde, using the necessary colors ( you can use the hair drier the accelerate the process).
3- After the discoloration, wash it or hydrate it passing conditioner, cream or a oil what you prefer.
4- Dry your hair with a hair drier.
5 - Use novamente os retângulos de papel alumínio e comece o procresso de tingir.
6 - Primeiro passe a tinta mais clara, depois vá descendo o degradê com as tintas mais escuras.
7 - Deixe o produto agir de acordo com as informações do fabricante em suas embalagens. O escuro fica por último!
Faça o mesmo procedimento em todas as mechas separadas e com todas as cores que você quiser e tiver. Depois conta aqui pra gente o que achou?
5- Use again the rectangle aluminum paper and start the dye process.
6- First pass the lightest color, after start going down the with the darker colors.
7- Let the product act according with the informations in the package. The darker color stays last!!
Do the same steps with all the rest of your separate strands, and with all the colors you have and want.
Then tell us what did you think about it?
5- Use again the rectangle aluminum paper and start the dye process.
6- First pass the lightest color, after start going down the with the darker colors.
7- Let the product act according with the informations in the package. The darker color stays last!!
Do the same steps with all the rest of your separate strands, and with all the colors you have and want.
Then tell us what did you think about it?
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