sábado, 18 de junho de 2011


Olá meninas! Aqui está uma receita de "smoothies" Sucos deliciosos que são muitos faceis de fazer! No verão eles são ótimos! Refrescam e todo mundo gosta! Se você for fazer um "get together" no verão, faça os  smoothies, eles são simples e a galera vai amar!

Hi girls! Here are some smoothies delicious recepies! Smoothies are divine and they are really easy to make! In summer join the group and serve them your friend´s will love it!

Blueberry Smoothies:
This recipe allows the enjoyment of the blueberry in little pieces as well as in the smoothie itself. By adding small blueberry pieces to the finished smoothie, the fun is in eating the fruit pieces.
1/4 cup of wild blueberries
1/4 cup of wild blueberries chopped into small pieces
1 tablespoon honey
1/2  banana
1/2 cup of icebr
Start by blending the ice, banana, honey, and unchopped blueberries on a high speed. Add the chopped blueberries into a cup before pouring the smoothie. Stir and enjoy a great fruity smoothie.

 Blueberry smoothie:
1/4 de Mirtilo
1/4 de mirtilo cortados em pedaços pequenos
1/2 banana
1/2 copo de gelo
Comece batendo o gelo,banana,mel e mirtilo (nao cortado) em grande velocidade. Addcione os mirtilos fatiados em um copo antes de colocar o"smoothie"

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