Selena Gomez se diverti com os amigos, no mundo encantado de Disney World, no parque do "Harry Potter". Ela e a as três amigas mais a família foram para os seguintes brinquedos : Expresso de Hogwarts, passeio por hogsmeadd, onde tomou cerveja amanteigada e andou de montanha russa " Desafio do Dragão". Selena também se divertiu no Islands of Adventure ( Parque universal).
Selena Gomez had a terrific time with her friends, in Disney World, in the "Harry Potter"park. She and her three friend + her family went to the following toys: Hogwarts Express, a trip through Hogsmeadd, where se drank root bear and had a ride on a roller coaster "Dragon Challenge". Selena also had fun in Islands of adventures ( Universal)
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